Virginia Women’s Chorus: Candlelight of My Life

Wolcum and salutations my friends (or should I say ‘O Salutaris‘)!

Since my (Ah) last post, the chorus has experienced heights and accomplishments rarely seen before in its history. Allow me to list a few: the 2nd successful Women Against Violence Concert, a treacherous trip up Humpback Rocks, a joyous journey to Carter’s Mountain, a resoundingly thrilling Family Weekend Concert, a glorious Lighting of the Lawn, and two magical Candlelight Concerts. I am nearly unable to express my worldly mirth at these accomplishments, but alas, I shall try.

The Women Against Violence concert featured UVA and Charlottesville’s best: high school a cappella, the Virginia Gentlemen, AVP, Stephanie Nakasian, Madeline Holly-Sales, and of course, Art Wheeler, to name a few. Ending in a unique version of Still I Rise, the concert allowed unity and healing for those performing and watching.


The chorus has also undertaken several bonding excursions in the surrounding area organized by our social chair Kaitlyn. Described as “the best sunrise yet,” the chorus climbed up humpback rocks in time to watch the sun and its glorious yet not contracted light shine with beautiful colors. The chorus also had a blessed time taking the apples at Carter’s Mountain.


And all was for an apple

Then came the Family Weekend Concert, where the chorus had the freedom to showcase its choral repertoire, and more lively nature with Voices of the Ancients, and of course The Testament of Freedom with the other choirs. The hand of force, aka UVA classes, could not destroy our spirited singing and dedication to spreading our talents.



Then came our main event. The week leading up to the Candlelight Concerts was a whirlwind: chapel rehearsals until 10 (taka dehydrate me), practices with the instrumentalists, riser movements, incessant tabling, and even a skipped Tuesday rehearsal because we were so prepared, a phenomena unheard of in the choral life. And suddenly the concerts were upon us. Friday night the inns were surely full as the sold-out concert let out into a freezing winter’s night. Words cannot describe the magic that transcended upon the chapel, Friday night by candlelight, and Saturday by afternoon sunlight. Made possible by our director KaeRenae Mitchell and amazing Managing and Appointed Board, the candlelight concerts showcased what is best about this chorus: wonderful voices, litness, style, unity, and great dancing (you go Alto 2’s). And yet I have a touch of sadness hitting me now as if I had just fallen onto pavement (Kate would know, she fell in the street on the way to the concert- really Kate?) at the fact that this was our fourth years’ last Candlelight Concert. But I am filled with joy that they could end with such successful and moving concerts.



Finally, as the chorus enters into a new era and I end my reign, er, term as cohistorian, I present our new President and VP.

A silly tender babe and my yonge child

With that, I leave the blog to our new historian Caroline. As always, this is M, signing off.

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